
Healing and more healing..

For some reason healing and group dynamics seem to be the topic lately, I'm not counting MoP into this, just general normal topics. Many people have discussed for example how healer is always at the mercy of the group and other such things, I think differently.

To me healing is different, it's truly a solo art. Sure a good tank and a good group makes healing easier, but  as long as they use even auto-attack to get the mobs down, I really don't mind all that much. I should be able to keep them up and this is indeed where my difference in opinion comes in.

I think that the group is actually at the mercy of the healer, not the other way around. It's the healers choice if they will heal you and when to heal.

As a disc priest most of the time, I prefer tank healing as a main. 90% of the time I am targeting the tank and the tank only, sometimes an entire dungeon goes that I don't switch targets. I have Prayer of Mending and Prayer of Healing to make up to those things. I look at the group and heal them at the side, sometimes I may lose one person, but it's rarely if ever the tank. It's usually either caster or hunter being out of range of my heals..

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