I've never quite understood why I should be nice and understanding and helpful, when I don't get the same treatment what I give to others. As an example I give you an incident that happened today. I got asked something by someone who apparently, by their own words even, don't care at all about the matter. And yet this same person tried to make it a huge problem.
Later this person leaves the guild and I apologize to him about my overreacting. Yes I did overreact, but I know when I am in the wrong or have done something wrong and can admit this to myself and to others. This other person then apologized in turn and told me a reason why he left. Apparently this reason was myself and my moods going from a to b in moments.
This is not true. My reactions are same like everyone else, I am actually relatively patient person, however I am entitled to emotional response or a reaction as one might call it just like everyone else. When I react to something in an emotional way, people seemingly act all surprised. It's like as a guild leader and a raid leader I am not entitled to these things, or my normal calm makes the occasional annoyances or other things seem like they come out of nowhere. Or people just misunderstand me.
In a world where written word is the golden rule, things like sarcasm, hate, jokes and other things are hard to express. I came to the conclusion that people understand me wrong more often that not. I had gotten used to it that people actually would understand me as they so often say; "I understand." how much do they understand then is the key question in here.
Calm and Serene will be my trademark from now on then. Apparently that seems to be the problem with other people, if they don't understand and rarely even try and understand why should I expend energy into even trying to make them understand in the first place, when I can just go back into being calm or calmer.
We shall see how this experiment with being calm goes then. Being the new Dalai Lama, here I come.
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