
The majority is always right... Not.

If we look at MMO's in general, or anything really the majority makes the choices and acts based on those choices. It's trough the majority that we get what is called average, and it is trough them that we know usually what is the norm. Now many say that the majority is right, what I think, is that that right there is bullshit. Excuse my crude language in here.

Now why would I think so? The majority doesn't actually express the most common opinion or what people really want, they represent compromise that might work for the majority and usually does work for the majority, however it is rarely the ideal situation. I base this onto the fact that the average = majority = average. And in this I mean in everything. How would the average know about the needs of the less than average or the needs of the excellent and above?

When it comes to WoW it is the most vocal that usually decide, the majority very rarely share an opinion about anything and so it becomes to the minority to decide. In this minority there are three kinds of people; the few average that actually want something better or fix things or develop themselves as a gamer; the forum activists that are always scrolling trough which in turn splits into two groups -> The scrubs/hater/noobs/griefers and the the pro anything.

Now how does this process then go on?

Blizzard makes a decision, for example to give every class a legendary. Now the response in this case will be;

1) The few Average:
- Give a few good points against and for, but can't really decide if it's a good thing or not, or think of it as an excellent idea, since the average gamer doesn't play as much as the pro and it gives them a chance to get a legendary too.

2) The griefers and other pests;
- Think it's either brilliant idea and want it implemented now and when it gets implemented they will whine that it's not unique enough and since everyone has it it's therefore this or that.

3) The Pros:
- Will think of the pro's and con's of the situation, most likely will come to the conclusion that it's a bad idea as those that don't do the work shouldn't be rewarded and that it would make legendaries meaningless if every average Joe is allowed them.

Now what MMO's and Blizzard and WoW especially needs to do, is to follow their own line and if someone makes and actually intelligent suggestion, they should consider that, but not necessarily implement it.

I actually despise it how Blizzard is not taking into account that it's Their Game and Their Product and they can do whatever the fuck they want with it, whiners be damned. Those who really enjoy the game and really wish to play it, will play it regardless of what Blizzard does to the game. That is not to say that the public is not entitled to opinion and opposing certain decisions that Blizzard makes into the game, however, they need to think about lot more than just what the the pro's or the noobs want. They need to think about the Average Joe that represents the majority.

And in here it is when it goes wrong. If they take people's opinions into account they should ask from the majority as that is who the game apparently is designed to now-a-days. The Raiders and other pro's will be happy as long as there's progression to be achieved and new raids to raid and new loot and achievements to be get. The PvP's will be happy as long as there are battlegrounds and class balance. The achievement hunters and altoholics will be happy as long as there's something new to do.

The average Joe however.. Well we don't even know, now do we?

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