
Good and Bad

Looking at the recent post in WoW insider something struck me. We are always listing good and bad as if they were some concrete facts of life. Some are universal, some are simply the way people want to do things and is singular, not good or bad.

As a good example, I refuse to use macros to do anything else but do raid warnings. As a Blood DK I could make a spell chain healing macro if I so wished, however the absence of macros has never bothered me. For me they make the game far too easy in a way, and take away the aspect of talent, or at  least lessen it some. Not that I think that people who use macros are untalented, that's not the case. I simply feel that I don't wish to make the game easier to me than it already is.

As a raid leader and a gamer I understand how much simpler life can be made with macros. With the load of things I already have to do, I do understand that it would make things easier to deal with, more convenient. They would have been never added if Blizzard hadn't intended them to be used. However I just don't feel the need to. Of course it goes against min/maxing in a way, however I'm already ranked high enough on my realm to feel secure in my e-peen meter that I don't need to make the time any easier. If I raise up in the charts, I want it to be because of skill and not pressing one button repeatedly.

Now someone could say that addons are the exact same. Yes indeed they can be. However as it stands, Blizzards standard UI hardly makes it easy to do anything. Take a look at Warlock rotation for me and tell me how many buttons are there to push? See the difficulty now?

When it comes to addons I use those that I need for raid leading the most, those being recount and omen. Recounts counts the data, so that I can with a glance see who's slacking off and who's doing what and what kind of results they get with their gear and if new gear is helping them or not. The numbers tell a lot. As a tank and a raid leader it's easy to view this, as far as they go above my DPS they are "safe" so to say. Of course there's more to it, but that's the basics of it anyway.

Now why Omen then? Omen can be quite important, say in Ultraxion where the tanks need to aggro dance quite a lot. Our tactics or Ultraxion are a bit different than what most do. Most groups either single tank it, or make their tanks to share Hour of Twilight's and Fading Lights. We do it differentely. I as a main tank take every Hour of Twilight and every Fading Light as well. Now someone might think, why do we have two tanks then? We two heal that encounter and our healers have said to us that they can't keep people up without someone else taking the melee strikes. We tried doing it so that everyone were on monitoring their cooldowns and trying to use them at the precise moments. That however made it far too hard to many, and so my tank partner, a nice prot warrior takes the melee hits.

I know that someone wants to point out Deadly Boss Mods. Those things are timers. They don't help you to react, they don't help you to push the right buttons, they don't tell you what to do and when. They simply tell you what is coming.

On good or bad however, how I see it, people can play which ever way they want to, I don't care for the technicalities involved the slightest bit, Arcane Mages using frostbolt as they main attack.. Seriously I couldn't give a shit... As long as they do enough DPS to be in par with the others when in terms of their own gear and int he allowance of that encounter.

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