
Community, Concerns and Paladins.

Community is getting more and more horrible as time goes by it would seem. Want evidence? Look to your realm forum, LFD and LFR. Players truly get free hands when it comes to some things that should make the community more friendlier, instead getting worse. Why is this? Blizzard is letting the players to manage the game and are not paying attention to something like community, which should be important if they actually wish to keep their players.

I don't know how the situation is on other realms, but as far as mine goes, it's looking not good. For a game that's mostly based on community, loosing community is bad, it's not just bad, it's horrible. for example, /2 or trade is now almost reserved for trolls. Unless there's some kind soul out there, a new player will receive only sarcastic answers or joking or trolling or hateful comments if they ask something about the game.

Many guilds have changed as well. They no longer offer the protection and informative approach that they should. Officers and guild masters should be there to help their members and be informative about anything. I've made it a personal crusade of mine that for example if I see a person asking in trade or in guild something, information, opinion or anything else, I give to them, in whisper and actually base my point on something, while at the same time mentioning that I might not be right, but at least the advice should work as intended.

How many players take time helping their fellow players? Haven't we all been new at some point? But how many actually remember that? How many can relate or have the things we've learned been ingrained so deeply that we take them for granted?

If Blizzard isn't going to help the fellow player, isn't it for the officers, guild masters and established people of the community of a realm to do so? It should be. If we're allowed to write the script and act the show, then we should also take some responsibility. I've seen so many people leaving and whining how the community is going down and how people and players are this or that, and this is almost always negative. Now people leave, it's understandable, but instead of leaving and whining, why not try and actually make a difference?

I've gotten few people say to me after I've actually answered to their questions or helped them: "I'd hope that every player was like you ^^" Which is indeed what we should want. Being helpful, taking some time to actually help the fellow player when they ask, surely shouldn't be too hard? In this process we ensure more than few things:

1) We make better players:
- When you know how the things actually is, you're effectively making the other person better player by telling when asked. But this is when you actually know what you are talking about. For example, using Death & Decay when pulling gives you better aggro than Blood Boil. Simple thing no? And it'll have an instant effect if they go trough with it, becoming better at playing their class.

2) We make better people:
- By being nice and helpful you make people better as well usually. Treat others as you have been treated works in this regard. If everyone were helpful (one can dream right?) or at least the majority were, this would get established and the community in general would become more friendlier.

3) We make better community:
- If people actually knew, and had the actual effects imposed (meaning bans/cookies) for good and bad behavior, which we can surely do with enough people with the new system, then at that point the community would be better as well. Sure we already have the reputation of being whiny kids, but the matter is simple to answer to. It's called evidence. Screenshots, reporting and so forth. Usually reporting it to the fellow player's guild master if they go out of line is enough. They should take action, I surely do when it comes to my own guild. Same goes for outside though, my actions are usually rather swift if someone "attacks" one of mine without a reason, or even if there is a reason I ask and resolve the matter if on of mine comes to me.

Now this is why we should take time to be nice to each other.

For today's slight funny story regarding this; I went to a dungeon with my 396 PvE geared DK tank, fully enchanted and gemmed. So I queue for Cataclysm heroic, meaning anything can pop up. Of course it's Zul'Aman, the dungeon that I hate more than any other, not because of the design, merely because of the bad groups I seem to have the luck of getting.

So two rogues, a paladin healer (My dislike for them is justified) and a hunter. All clad on green gear and doing less DPS together than I do alone half focussing, not counting the healer. Still thinking that it's an easy thing. I pop into the dungeon and see that they are on the second boss. Birds, here I come!

Alright, immediately when I get there, Rogue #1 goes afk for sometime so I had the time to see their gear, the paladin amusingly was LFR geared for healing. Not much luck there, we wipe thanks to paladin, and I think that the healer is a bit shifty. I have no idea how he could heal so badly.

Eventually we defeat the boss after a few wipes and me using every CD on my arsenal but the army of the dead.

So we go to the other side, to start the mobs there, I  go and pull a group of three bears, going straight  with the road, thinking that the group cannot be too bad, that we can still do this, as if, rogue pulls a group that I avoided by going along with the road, from somewhere in the bushes. I quickly go in and grab them with Death and Decay. Looking at my health I see that nothing can save me unless the Holydin do something quick. I pop every cooldown I can, taking massive amount of damage from the 8 mobs that the DPS are apparently not able to target nor kill.

Eventually we wipe to that group, the paladin self healing more than healing the tank, that being me. What I here from the pally before I release is: "Aggro you idiot!"

I was dismayed. Should I have laughed or cried, being that I targeted the group that was pulled very fast, and DPS'd them the best I could, ensuring that I had all the aggro I needed?

The conversation as follows was hilarious in my mind:

Tank: I did..
Healer: Then why did I get damage?!
Tank: Have you ever heard of AoE? Surely you have?
Healer: Stfu!
Tank: Seriously? There's such a thing.. Also I'm not able to dispell as it stands..
Healer: *Deep silence*
Rogue #1: lol, well it's what it is :P
Tank: I'm sorry that I cannot heal myself enough to keep all of us up and running or dispell for that matter.. Maybe you'll get a dudu or a paladin next time who can do both? ^^
Rogue #1: lol, but the healer needs to heal themselves and the 3 DPS as well, so it's 5.
Tank: Wasn't what I meant, if I'd received some healing it would have been nice, hope for a paladin or a druid next time, they can do all that and more. ^^
/Tank has let the group.

Seriously though, looking back at the log of the boss fight earlier and then the log for the healing for the group of mobs we wiped to, I wondered how this paladin had even gotten that far. Using only single target heals for one and even those were low, I didn't see even one Holy Radiance from that paladin.

Paladins are pretty easy mode, as a friend of mine described holydins: They are like disc priests on steroids.

If the above is true then why in the name of all that's unholy most of the paladins don't even manage to use their basic skills? What makes it so that it's always paladins that attract the sort that can't be bothered? Is it simply the point of a holy warrior, the Hero, that attracts the immature or ego boosting sort of people? I've met 4 good paladins in all my time playing WoW.. 4. And there are many paladins out there. now I wonder why?

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