
Time Management in MMO's

As anyone who is an officer, Raid Leader, Class Leader, Guild Master etc should understand and surely be able to relate, time management in MMO's can be hard. As a GM your time will be very limited, and no I don't mean general time, you'll be online more than you aren't, but your Own time in game. Maybe you have time to do dailies (even those helping with rep or guild xp or gold or materials for said guild) while reviewing an applicant or answering a question or a complaint. You'll find out when the size of the guild blooms that you have very little time to yourself.

My situation is quite strange, being in two completely different guilds. I'll use myself as an example so that you know what I mean.

Managing 4 calendars can be quite harsh;

1) As a GM to my own guild I of course have to manage the guild calendar to some extent, now being  Raid Leader as well, this gets a bit harder.

2) As an Officer to a PvP guild, I have to manage my own calendar in there and some slight things occasionally for our members.

3) In-Game personal calendar is something that I happen to have which isn't related to guild business at all at times. It's mostly just something for friends or some big community thing, but as it stands we have those too, and so this calendar is useful to have.

4) I am a living breathing person as well, therefore RL calendar with all RL related meetings, job shifts and so on.

Now time management on those grounds is can be ultimately hard. We raid approximately three times a week, on tuesdays, thursdays and sundays, depending on our progress and how far are people available and have the attitude and resilience to go.

On the PvP guild, there's approximately 4-6 events per week, with random meetings and of course arena times, RBG's and so forth. It's rather set. Now on top of that there's just the things that you do for your guild. Guild Runs, Achievements, Fishing those fishes and gathering herbs and making glyphs and managing the bank and solving problems between members and outsiders alike.

This leaves very very little time to your own gaming. What I mean with this is something in-game that you want to do, be it Loremaster or fishing coins from Dalaran. Not that you can't of course, but at the same time you're usually taking care of something else as well. Maybe solving some dispute or perhaps just chatting with someone about something and not focussing on to the thing that you actually wish to do.

Now Real Life is rather important. Most have either school or job and there's friends and hobbies and meetings and family dinners along with dogs, cats, horses, hamsters and unicorns. This will limit your time as well. I'm probably the first one to admit that I play around 6 hours a day.. And it still feels that I don't have enough time to do everything. Even though I have competent officers on my own guild and my class leaders and tank partner know exactly what to do.

How to solve this issue, is the problem of the day? Keeping a fifth calendar of course, where you put in everything, from real life luncheons to your raid time, or another option is to get a white/blackboard where you put in everything. Also taking time to do something else, just making an alt and escaping, maybe even doing a new account where no one knows you, if you trust your underlings enough that is. Still neither of those are a definite solution. They are a quick fix, but not the final life saving surgery that Officers and GM's and raid leaders really need.


Now that summer has fallen on top of us, officers and gm's need to do even more to keep up the roster and trying to motivate their underlings in raiding, pvp, rp, questing, guild progress and so fort, each to their own. However the amount of work is doubled. Need to recruit more, gear more, progress more, do more in general as you receive less as the summer works its magic to people all around.

Therefore it's even more important to take some time off at times, that's the true solution. Have a week or two or three away from the whole MMO. Just leave it be, the people if you have good underlings will manage without you for that long and if they can't they are clearly morons who cannot use basic tools in their disposal to actually solve problems (such as google).

Now my own holiday is coming at some point, people want it or not. I'm certain that my officers will deal fine without me for that short while. And the PvP guild can survive without their warlock for a while as well.

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