
18 is just 10 + 8 ball

And here we go again. These updates that happen in a line in very fast succession are just something else truly. RP has been very slow and I haven't done it for a some time now. Instead just doing LFR and trying to get to the valor cap and to get my Tailoring up instead. 

Day 18 – Your favourite outfit

In real life, I wear mostly black.. And I take after L in my general style. I usually don't much care what I wear, but usually it's just long sleeved shirt and some black slacks along with some steel toed combat boots. 

It's nice, simple and most of all, comfortable so there shouldn't be anything to whine about :P

17 is just the odd number.

And on we go once again. I still have no MoP beta, but I know that I will have it around two weeks when the servers/realms go properly live anyway and character transfer to the the test realms starts and people can actually test something else as well than just monk and their starting area.

Day 17 – Your favourite spot (in game or outside it)

In game, I really don't have an ultimate favorite spot of all time. I don't pay all that much attention to that as progress and effectiveness are the things I mostly go about. In Real Life however.. My room, the library and few coffee shops along with the bookstore and game store... Damn I sound like such a boring person, but that's just how it is regrettably. I just enjoy my peace. 

Sweet 16

And on we go with the challenge. I'm again sorry that I haven't updated, but real life for me is an issue that isn't funny at the moment at all. Lack of motivation and all that. In any case, let's go forward shall we.

Day 16 – Things you miss (post Cataclysm)

....I'm a cata baby so this doesn't apply to me as it would apply to many others, in any case, I have read enough to know what I can miss.

1) The epicness of old raids and such things. I'm actually very very disappointed that I didn't start playing in wrath, since honestly? Death Knights were.. Something else, healers were something else and everything according to pretty much everything was glorious back in the day.

2) When levelling was actually hard and the game actually taught you something about your class. Nowadays actually looking trough your spellbook is a rarity. What I mean by that is actually reading trough your skills and stuff. Not to mention that you can level to 85 in a DAY!

3) When dungeons could take hours..

4) When BG's could take hours.

Those are few things that I miss, even though I wasn't even playing then. Maybe it's the overly glorified view I've gotten thanks to my "I started in vanilla" friends. 

Day 15

....I've missed some again. It's not my fault I let you know, I have an exam week and even now I should be preparing more and more, but instead am here typing this. In any case, let's go to tonights/day's topic, shall we.

Day 15 – Your desktop background (on your computer) and why you chose it

Uh huh. I don't know if my background can be even found from anymore, and I don't actually have it.. I think. I'm not sure, so I'll just pick a new one for this occasion.

There you go. Took me a while to actually find that. I generally like dark themed backgrounds as everything just looks better that way and I can actually see the picture that is there. On the other hand, it does expose painfully if your screen is dirty in any way.. 

Now why did I choose this one? Well, I've always been fascinated by death and stuff like that and well.. Undead are just awesome. And time? Who doesn't love it. Also the it's just a great picture.


Day 14

Now to today's ACTUAL topic. Which I still don't know, neither do you (unless you are doing this challenge as well.) In any case!

Day 14 – This upsets you

....This challenge is very very personal it seems. No matter on we go, let's make a list then, shall we.. 

1) When people do not put even half the effort that is required to anything and yet get rewarded as they are doing better than earlier. 

2) Inefficiency.

3) People who do not listen.

4) People who bother others needlessly. 

5) Judging without knowing.

6) Fallacies.

7) Idiots.

8) Things when unorganized. 

Not even one of these "upset me" they aggravate me to the point of tearing my hair out.. They bother me like a painting that's hanged wrong or colors that don't fit. You can live with these things, but they bother..

Day 13

So.. Earlier was how my day looks like and now I wonder about day 13's topic. I don't look them ahead of time as in my opinion that would make it unsurprising and what not. On we go!

Day 13 – People (players/bloggers) that you admire

As I already did go over my favorite websites and every associated, I'll just go with players and so forth.

Who I admire?

1) My Guild Leader. 

And there it is. He is the only player I actually admire. Short and sweet answer to that. It's just that to get my "admiration" you actually need to earn it. Sure I like and respect and what not other players but I don't admire them...

Day 12

And again it's challenge time, if you didn't read my earlier post about missing a few days and so forth here you have a compensation. Todays topic is... *Drumming*

Day 12 – A usual day in your life/online time

Well isn't that just something. Let's go then.

06.30 - My man wakes me up, as I am incapable of waking up in any sort of manner that makes sense. I am almost impossible to wake up. 
06-30-07.00 - Shower and coffee and what not, the usual.
07.00 - 09.15 - That's how long it takes for me to get from home to school, yey. 
09.15 - 10.10 - More coffee in the school cafeteria and making final modifications to what ever school things I still have left, like essays and what not, checking that I have done everything and so forth.
10.10 - 15.15 - Lessons...
15.15 - 17.30 - Getting home from school.
17.30 - 18.00 - At this point I usually make food and what not, dinner and such, sometimes clean a bit or so.
18.00 - My man usually comes home.
18.00 - 20.00 I'm doing homework usually and checking things and such.
20.00 - 02.00 WoW time. Or what ever I feel like doing on my Mac. Still.. Usually its playing WoW, having an event or raiding or what not. 

I missed a few...

So as I have been somewhat absent lately (too much stuff going on and all) I have missed three days from the challenge. But do not despair, I'll make up for it in a moment.

Now to the actual topic of todays topic, which is Garrosh is the "big bad" of MoP. Who would have guessed. It was in a way quite obvious but I would have put my money on Sylvanas personally. Still Garrosh being the big bad of that expansion I wonder what is going to happen later? Who will be the new warchief? Will Thrall come back or will it be someone else? And to make matters more twisted, how much time is between the expansions? As it is, we already know that from Aggra's and Thrall's union will come the new aspects, I wonder what else will happen and how will the story progress?

It was said earlier that in MoP the main story is already there when you get the game and every patch will be like a sequel to it. Every major patch that is. Now I wonder how will that influence and what exactly.

Lately it has been said that WoW is a dying game and partly I agree. It's because of the things Blizzard has done for or against the players. In every post they make they sound passionate enough but in reality I wonder how much general motivation for game making they actually have anymore. I mean to Blizzard WoW is a moneymaker and only that it seems.

On another note tier 13 feels old. There's nothing to tie raiders over anymore and running the same things for months at end is starting to get boring very very fast. I wonder if we'll get anything to tie us over before MoP or do they trust that beta will help us live trough this time?


Elevated Eleven

And back in action once again. Being busy is relative concept as far as we are talking about WoW but it can still happen and will happen if you ever have to manage anything. Onwards we go in our daily challenge.

Day 11 – Bad habits and flaws

Well isn't this subject just wonderful? To many it's impossible or close to impossible to admit that you have actual faults and flaws and indeed are not a perfect specimen. In any case a list of 10 things might cut it.

1) Smoking. Yes I smoke, and that can be considered a bad habit, however it's in the law that it's my right to do so, so ruining my health for pleasure and stress relieving is just that. 

2) Perfectionism. I tend to be a pain in the ass if I'm honest. I tend to take things too seriously, without any kind of consideration at times that others are maybe not quite as hardcore in things as I am. That can be considered a flaw.

3) Thinking that I know everything. At times I tend to become a besserwisser as they put it. I think I know everything about a certain thing yet most of the time I don't and of course start to argue about it. In any case, I've learned my lesson.

4) Temperament. I'm temperamental rarely, but when I loose my patience I loose it with a bang. I can be quite cruel and that is a flaw as well. I should learn to stand others.

5) Laziness. If the thing whatever it is, doesn't interest me, then I most often do not do it. Which is bad. It also gives a picture of laziness, I am not lazy when it comes to things that interest me.. 

6) Objectiveness. I'm too objective at times and tend to forget the human factor. 

7) Plotting. I plot.. And I plot maybe even too much. I tend to be a bit Dunbledorish in my dealings and tend to keep my cards to myself. I plot and plot and plot and then implement whatever plan I've hashed together at times. 

8) Surprising. I have the thing with surprising people at times. Just to study their reaction at times. Like this one time saying to my mother that no, I haven't drank coffee nor have I even been at my computer the whole day.. She almost had a heart attack. 

9) Responsibility. I'm a big fan of that. Responsibility to those that are responsible. If an authority figure or someone else in a high position anywhere doesn't do their job, I'm likely to just take the responsibilities myself. It has happened more than a few times. I am also quick to point these things out. I point them in myself and in others. Many people don't for some reason like it at all, so I guess that's a flaw. 

10) Loyalty. I'm too loyal if that's even possible. Unless I'm betrayed in a very bad manner and my loyalty is earned it makes me loyal to a fault. Meaning you'll get me do pretty much anything you want to a point. That's a serious fault.


10 really is 01

Once again it's time for the challenge post and looking at the list it will be quite interesting.. Or not since the information can be find on the right. In any case, we'll go trough it just in case someone missed the little sidebar and because explaining is always fun.

Day 10 – Blog/Website favorites

So what are my favorite blogs and websites, you ask. do not worry I'll tell them to you in a moment. 


1) WoW Insider
- Now why WoW Insider of all blogs? Well there's a simple answer. They have the answers and the class blogs are awesome. There's everything one could really need when it comes to information and all the bloggers there seem to have a good spirit. Not to mention that they usually cover even those things that would otherwise be left uncovered. 

2) The Grumpy Elf
- Interesting tidbits and useful information mixed with ramblings and long posts. What could be better really?

3) Spellbound
- Warlocky stuff with funnez mixed in. Also this challenge was from here. It's nice to see some dedicated bloggers.

And that concludes the blogs that I actively follow. There are others of course but those are the main ones.


1) E-mail
- Yes I check it at least 2 times a day, so I guess it's one of my favorite pages xD

2) Fanfiction
- I write it, I read it and I love it. One of my favorite pages of all times. There's always something to read and something to do.

3) Wowhead
- Well who doesn't occasionally look wowhead for answers? It's practically every WoW players bible.

4) Elitist Jerks
- Now this is where the job is done and the information is stored. Other pages will give you a good rundown, but from here you'll find your answers.

That pretty much concludes my favorites.

Group oh group

I have to say today's little LFR run was absolutely brilliant, at least on Madness that is. First part I did with my Priest, healing of course. When I am healing I really have no time to think about loot rolls or think about what people say in /ra if it's unnecessary. I know that all relevant things will come up in raid warnings and I have enough awareness to my surroundings in the game that I know not to stand in fire and can see what situation requires what kind of heal.

In any event the first part even though I had already done it went well. No drama and all was very very fine indeed. The other tank wasn't the best ever, but we didn't wipe and all was well.

However the second part which I did with my unlocked lock. I did it with a friend who was tanking and the first three went very well indeed. Then comes Madness and half of the group leaves. Eventually my friend tank got the raid lead and gives it to me. I have raid lead these things before so I know what to do and what to call out, it's nothing big. Usually I do it while tanking so doing it while DPSing isn't all that hard.

In any case, it went like a dream. Even thought I won nothing I don't care. Two people died in the whole time, both DPS and that was it and even they were ressed instantly. It just went so well I have never seen such co-ordination from a PuG. Never in my whole entire life.

The bolts were nuked down before they hit the ground, the tentacles killed roughly at the same time, no adds clinging and no one dying on jumps. No one doing stupid mistakes or whining about something or other in /ra, everyone went just So Damn Well. If I had such a group even once a week with One boss I'd be happy the rest of the week.

Honestly? It felt awesome, like the group had raided together for quite sometime and oh.. I could just go on and on and on about this :)

Female and Male roles in MMO's

I usually don't go anything this broad - especially this time of night - but for some reason I have lately read a lot of posts about gender and how it can affect or should affect what role you play. Females are generally healers and males are generally tanks. Usually healers are always talked as "She/her" while tanks and DPS are "He/him". In my opinion sure it makes some sense since in prehistory females were the ones nursing and what not.

In any event, casters are usually also considered a more female like aspect by many while the brute force classes are considered more to be male. While this makes sense in a way at the same time it doesn't. I heal and I heal well, but I have tanked much longer and I know that role well. Even though I am all the time learning something new and am not afraid to ask for tips and to find new information to develop myself.

Now however the matter is. Tanking is a very numeral job where you have certain few things to do in certain few situations. It's a fairly easy role to play no matter what class you are that can tank. DPS classes all have rotation, there's not much reaction required except to move, which really doesn't require all that much brain power. Healing on the other hand requires multitasking and guys out there, you have to hand it to us females, we are better in multitasking than you are.

In that light it makes sense that females would be healers. However MMO's are mainly male populated.. Or so one would think. It's more of a 2/3 ratio in any case with men having overpower, but females aren't some small minority and the roles are quite evenly spread when it all adds up.

Now why would this matter to anyone? This is something I have wondered for sometime? Also I have wondered why is it most often males who make a number of it? Do they feel that females are coming to their territory and what makes them feel so? Shouldn't skill and being a good player over all matter more than what gender the player is?


Day 9

So the challenge is on again and today I have the pleasure of..

Day 09 – Your first blog post

...That was a long long time a go, you know that, right? In any case I do happen to remember it. I had this animal blog thing going on at ages past.. I think it's been over 8 years since those days and I was writing about Beagles of all things - they are a race of dogs - which is funny as I am not even a dog person. 

Why I wrote about those is this a mystery to me and the blog post was short and sweet, it took me an hour to find and attach a picture that I wanted and I poured over some details from books and other pages. It was interesting to say at least. 


Day 8 of the challenge!

As they say the show must go on, and so it will. Today is the day eight for me in the challenge and today's topic is... *Drumming*

Day 08 – 10 things we don’t know about you

Well well. Would have been easier to tell what people do know about me, but oh well, this will do fine. 

1) According to a personality test I am a Mastermind and this one fits me almost too well. Sometimes I wonder how these people are so good at these things or are people just too similar to one another?

2) I RP occasionally between leveling my numerous alts and raiding and what not. It's a fun way to get more out of any game in my opinion.

3) I am an obsessive nature and my standards are sometimes too high, it has also been said I am too objective if such a thing even can be. What this means though, is that as a perfectionist I am rarely satisfied and things that to others may seem like miracles to me are barely worth mentioning at times. I expect high results in everything I do and I expect the same from others that I expect from myself. As I curious nature I often find myself pouring over details and finding out everything there is to a subject and more often than not it baffles me how people are so ignorant. 

4) I am an insomniac which means that more often than not I am up. I also love coffee even though it does nothing but tire me down now a days. 

5) I don't like sweets or candy all that much. When I was younger I practically poured sweets down my throat but as I became older my sweet tooth has lost it's hold over me. 

6) I indulge. If I want to do something as far as it hurts no others and doesn't break the law I will most probably do it as there's no sense in denying yourself the simple pleasures in life. 

7) I read, a lot. I love reading, have always loved it and probably always will. It's much more entertaining to me than watch god in a box (More commonly known as the TV) and it usually gives you something to think, and thinking is what makes the world go around.

8) I have a close circle of friends and I tend to be the patient one more often than not. I am also usually the one who bends their neck if it comes to decisions. Just so that in the end I can say: "I told you so." No no.. I'm kidding, well almost, that's what usually happens though. In any case, on we go. 

9) Loyalty. I am a very very loyal person once my loyalty has been earned and my devotion is as close to absolute as it can be. Unless I am severely betrayed my loyalty gets me into these situations where I usually need to make some hard choices, but in the end it's usually worth it. 

10) Cold & Cruel. At times I am too blunt. I am honest to the point of cruelty at times, but that is only because I think that lying achieves nothing. 

There.. 10 things you didn't know about me and now you do.

Moving in!

Hello hello,

I have moved to here from my earlier blog, and as such will simply give you all nice people out there a link to my old blog so you can see what has transpired before.. As I am far to lazy to copy everything from there to here. In any case, now that the desk is clean and the word is free I'll go straight to business.

1) Who am I?
- Simple gamer and a nerd with a horrid perfectionism streak that strikes with everything I do. Also female and 20 years old and working as a bartender while studying.

2) What do I write about?
- MMO's of course. My main focus is WoW (More commonly known as World of Warcraft) and in the side other games such as LoL and SWtor can be mentioned along with other things.

3) What makes me able to write about those things?
- Some might say, nothing, however after playing for quite some time now and having played every role WoW for example has to offer I think myself good enough to blog about it. However do keep in mind that whatever I post is only my most humble opinion, it is not the absolute truth and more often than not I write about things that have gone on or something that seems to stir quite a few people.

4) Well what characters do you have then?
- Death Knight, Warlock and Priest all maxed out and rest on leveling still.

5) Horde or Alliance?
- Horde of course.

6) Anything we should know about your blog?
- Hm.. Yes indeed. I am participating into the 20 days of WoW blogging challenge, made by the blogger of Spell bound. The post can be found from Here.

Without further ado, Here is my old blog. Hope you'll enjoy the ride with me.