
Day 8 of the challenge!

As they say the show must go on, and so it will. Today is the day eight for me in the challenge and today's topic is... *Drumming*

Day 08 – 10 things we don’t know about you

Well well. Would have been easier to tell what people do know about me, but oh well, this will do fine. 

1) According to a personality test I am a Mastermind and this one fits me almost too well. Sometimes I wonder how these people are so good at these things or are people just too similar to one another?

2) I RP occasionally between leveling my numerous alts and raiding and what not. It's a fun way to get more out of any game in my opinion.

3) I am an obsessive nature and my standards are sometimes too high, it has also been said I am too objective if such a thing even can be. What this means though, is that as a perfectionist I am rarely satisfied and things that to others may seem like miracles to me are barely worth mentioning at times. I expect high results in everything I do and I expect the same from others that I expect from myself. As I curious nature I often find myself pouring over details and finding out everything there is to a subject and more often than not it baffles me how people are so ignorant. 

4) I am an insomniac which means that more often than not I am up. I also love coffee even though it does nothing but tire me down now a days. 

5) I don't like sweets or candy all that much. When I was younger I practically poured sweets down my throat but as I became older my sweet tooth has lost it's hold over me. 

6) I indulge. If I want to do something as far as it hurts no others and doesn't break the law I will most probably do it as there's no sense in denying yourself the simple pleasures in life. 

7) I read, a lot. I love reading, have always loved it and probably always will. It's much more entertaining to me than watch god in a box (More commonly known as the TV) and it usually gives you something to think, and thinking is what makes the world go around.

8) I have a close circle of friends and I tend to be the patient one more often than not. I am also usually the one who bends their neck if it comes to decisions. Just so that in the end I can say: "I told you so." No no.. I'm kidding, well almost, that's what usually happens though. In any case, on we go. 

9) Loyalty. I am a very very loyal person once my loyalty has been earned and my devotion is as close to absolute as it can be. Unless I am severely betrayed my loyalty gets me into these situations where I usually need to make some hard choices, but in the end it's usually worth it. 

10) Cold & Cruel. At times I am too blunt. I am honest to the point of cruelty at times, but that is only because I think that lying achieves nothing. 

There.. 10 things you didn't know about me and now you do.

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